Set Score Type

This is a real doosy on how complicated it is, this might be changed in the future

Setting a Minimum for lobby to count for score

!Set GameMin <GameType><Minimum in Lobby>

example !set gamemin duos 3

Sets the minimum for a lobby to count

Setting Placements Points

Double check you are doing this correctly

!Set placement <gametype><a><b><c><Score Value>
a = Minimum Teams or Players in lobby to qualify for points
b = the low end of the placement range to qualify for points
c = the high end of the placement range to qualify for points

example 1# !set placement solos 3 1 1 100
Sets first place in a 3+ man lobby to get 100 points

example 2# !set placement solos 5 5 10 10
Sets 5th-10th place in a 5+ man lobby to get 10 points

example 2# !set placement solos 3 10 20 1
Sets 10th-20th place in a 3+ man lobby to get 1 point

Feel Free to Contact Milky#0001 on discord for help

Resetting Score-Types

Used for resetting anything used on score-types

Resetting All Scores

!reset <GameType>

example !reset solo

When scores are reset, you cannot get them back

Resetting Placement Points

!reset placement <GameType>

example !reset placement solo

Resetting Kill Points

!reset kills <GameType>

example !reset kills solo

Resetting Kill Range

!reset Killrange <GameType>

example !reset Killrange solo

Setting Kill Points

There are two methods available for kill scoring, One that sets a default value that then is multiplied by how many kills the player has. (Multiplied Kills) The other works exactly the same to placement scoring and is not multiplied by the amount of kills(Threshold Kills)

Swapping between Threshold and Multiplied Kills

!set thresholdkills <true or false>
true = Threshold Kills
(default)false = Multiplied Kills

example #1 !set thresholdkills false
example #2 !set thresholdkills true

Setting Kills (Multiplied Kills)

Double Check You have Typed it Correctly

!set kills <GameType><a><b>
a = Minimum Teams or Players in lobby to qualify for points
b = points per kill

example 1# !set kills solos 3 1
Sets Lobbies with 3 or more teams to get 1 point per kill

example 1# !set kills solos 5 10
Sets Lobbies with 5 or more teams to get 10 point per kill

Setting Kills (Threshold Kills)

Double Check You have Typed it Correctly

!Set KillRange <gametype><a><b><c><Score Value>
a = Minimum Teams or Players in lobby to qualify for points
b = the low end of the Ammount of Kills range to qualify for points
c = the high end of the Ammount of Kills range to qualify for points

example 1# !set killRange solos 3 1 1 1
Sets 1 kill in a 3+ man lobby to get 1 points

example 2# !set killRange solos 5 5 10 10
Sets 5-10 kills in a 5+ man lobby to get 10 points

example 2# !set killRange solos 3 10 20 100
Sets 10-20 kills in a 3+ man lobby to get 100 point

Extra Kill commands

Lobby Multiplier

!Set Lobby Multiplier <GameType><true or false>
(Defualt) False = no lobby Multiplier
true = All Scored a multiplied by the number of players in the lobby

example !set lobby multiplier solos false

If scores will be multiplied by the amount of players in a lobby or not

Custom Lobby Multiplier

!Set Custom Multiplier <gameType> <true/False> turns it on/off

!Set value Custom Multiplier <Gametype> <LobbySizeMin> <Multiplier Value>

!Set Custom Multiplier Value Solos 4 0.4

Kill Threshold Bonus (Threshold Kills Only)

Set killthresholdBonus <GameType><Value>
Equals 0 by default
Alias "set ktb"

example !set ktb solos 10
gets the player an extra 10 points for every kills after the highest threshold

Sets a threshold bonus points for every kill after the highest threshold

Setting Score Requirements

The four scoring requirements can be set Kills Placement Game Codes Image Proof

!Set requirements <GameType><kills><placement><GameCodes><ImageProof>
The following are meant to be set as true or false

example !Set requirements solo true true true true

Most Cases you will need all to be true

Last updated