Getting and Modifying Scores

Just in case you get that cheater who thinks you wont notice him cheating

Get a Player or Team Scores

Team Names for solo can either be the players Discord ID or you can mention them

!Get Scores <GameType><TeamName>
Alias "sg"

example #1 !get scores duo BigBoys
example #2 !get scores solo @User
example #3 !get scores solo UserID

Remove Score

Removing scores may make other players scores go down.

i would recommend you update the score instead (Info on that is below)

!remove score <idSlot><GameType><TeamName>
Alias "rs"

//idslots are found when you do !get scores
//idSlots are not the gamecode

example #1 !rs 1 duo BigBoys
example #2 !rs 11 solo @User
example #3 !rs 66 solo UserID

IdSlot is not the GameCode IdSlot is found with "!get scores" above

Update Score

!update Score <Kills><Placement><IdSlot><GameType><TeamName>

//idslots are found when you do !get scores
//idSlots are not the gamecode

Alias "us"

example #1 !us 1 2 5 duo BigBoys
updates score to be 1 kill and 2nd place

example #2 !us 1 4 11 solo @User
updates score to be 1 kill and 4th place

example #3 !us 6 7 66 solo UserID
updates score to be 6 kills and 7th place

IdSlot is not the GameCode IdSlot is found with "!get scores" above

Add Score (More To Be Added)

There will be two ways to add scores to teams manually, Only one is set up atm

Extra Points

!set ExtraScore <GameMode> <TeamName> <value>

example #1 !set ExtraScore Solos @user 5
example #2 !set ExtraScore Duos BestBoysz 20

Only 1 extra score can be set at a time

Last updated